What is Digital Marketing and does your business really need it?

What is Digital Marketing and does your business really need it?

Roberto Boi
By Roberto Boi

To run a business in a digital era you need a solid digital marketing strategy, which will make a world of a difference for your business growth. Having a great digital marketing strategy is how you can improve brand awareness, increase quality of traffic and drive better revenue. Basically, get your brand out there in front of the right people, in the right place, at the right time. 

If you’ve been looking into digital marketing, but you’re unsure on what it really is, what it involves and if the business you run or work for needs to invest in it, let us clear the digital air for you with: 

  • Busting some misconceptions about digital marketing
  • What’s there to love about digital marketing
  • How to know if your business needs it
  • And our Digital Marketing Audit Checklist to really understand what it is your business might need

Busting misconceptions about digital marketing

What Is Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is about reaching your target audience through the right online channels, at the right time. You need clearly defined goals to drive your strategy and regularly monitor and track performance. However, because of how much goes into digital marketing, people tend to develop the following misconceptions:

Misconception 1: Finding someone who’s “good with computers” to help for free or very low cost

People think that digital marketing is close to IT. So they end up asking their son, cousin, or friend to do it, just because they’re “good with computers”.

The truth: Digital marketing is not about computer skill

Digital marketing is a whole different ball game to IT. If you want to get people through the door, drive real results and really generate revenue, then your digital marketing strategy requires a lot more effort in not only strategy, but also execution, tracking and reporting.

Misconception 2: Relying on word-of-mouth as the only strategy

Most businesses start by chance rather than by design. Whether a hobby turned into an income stream, or a business idea came to life. The best way to grow a business from the start is by word-of-mouth, when your family and friends become advocates, and so on. Businesses usually swear by this, and then continue to use word-of-mouth as their only marketing.

The truth: Word-of-mouth can only do so much

Word-of-mouth is a great start and can bring in fairly good business in a businesses infancy (start-up) through to adolescence. But if your goal is to really grow your business, hire more staff to fill capacity, have more days off and get your time back, then word-of-mouth can only do so much. You know deep down there’s a bigger picture, and there’s nothing stopping you from going for it.

Misconception 3: You can do it all

On the other hand, you’re probably super determined to make it all work, and big props to you! From early mornings running the day-to-day of all business operations, to overtime trying to crack into digital marketing. But in trying to have your finger on every pulse in the business, leaves you with no hands left to work on the thing you’re actually best at - running the business.

The truth: You need to focus on what you’re best at

Whether you’re the owner of your business, or working as an admin in a hybrid marketing role, you need to focus on what you do best: making sure business growth is on track and the day-to-day operations run smoothly without burning yourself out.

What’s there to love about Digital Marketing?

What's There To Love About Digital Marketing

Think of digital marketing as a strategic way to promote your business online. It’s a plan that helps you get to know your customers, how they act and behave, and use that to get in front of them with the right message, in the right place, at the right time. 

You can’t go wrong with planning ways on how you’re going to succeed in the market. A proper digital marketing strategy can help you to:

Your Digital Door: Websites

Many years ago, it was about “getting people through the door” when businesses were only brick and mortar. Now, it’s about getting customers through your physical door and an online door - your website. Nowadays, there are so many options for everything, causing customers to be overwhelmed with a plethora of solutions from different businesses. A simple search engine can show people 10 websites in a single click.

How people decide to stay on your website, buy or inquire with you depends on how your website is built and designed. A great website should be:

  • Visually appealing to your target audience
  • Have a compelling landing page
  • Be easy to use with straight forward navigation
  • Designed to work for both desktop and mobile
  • And optimised for search engines 

Every business needs a strong online presence, and that starts with a well-designed website. It's like your digital storefront, showcasing your products, services, mission and purpose and showing off your brand personality.

The Party You Can't Miss: Social Media

Think of social media as a place where your audience hangs out, chats, makes connections, and shares experiences. Your business should be there too, joining in authentically. Social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer incredible opportunities to engage with your target audience, build brand awareness, and create meaningful relationships. Share your story, what you’re up to and include captivating content that resonates with your ideal customers.

The best part? Social media is free (if you choose not to run ads). So if you’re on a tight budget, being on social media is a cost effective way to get your brand out there and in front of your ideal customers eyes.

Sharing the Love (and Knowledge): Content Marketing

Content is king! Content marketing is all about earning your audience’s attention through organic,  valuable and engaging digital media, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, social media and podcasts. Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to educate potential customers, build an audience and grow your brand organically.

Here’s 5 easy steps on how to get started!

  1. Know your audience: Who are you talking to, what are their pain points and what challenges can you solve for them? It will be worth creating a list of specific, ideal buyer personas.
  2. Plan your content strategy: Brainstorm a bunch of topics that align with your brand, your expertise, and your audience's interests. Create a content calendar so you can organise your content and publish them on a consistent and regular schedule. 
  3. Create compelling and engaging content: It’s not enough to just create a piece of content. It needs to be compelling and engaging. So make sure it’s easy to understand, interesting enough for your audience to engage, and compelling enough for them to act. 
  4. Promote your content: Leverage the right social media channels to share your content with your audience. Engage in conversations, respond to comments and build relationships with your followers. Make sure your content is optimised for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords and sharing links across various channels
  5. Measure, analyse and optimise your content: Stay on track with analytics tools to review traffic, engagement and conversions. Monitor what's working and what needs improvements and adjust your content strategy accordingly. 

It's all about sharing your expertise, solving their problems, and building trust. Get creative, share your knowledge, and let your brand shine through captivating storytelling.

Getting to the top of Google Search: SEO

Ever wondered how some websites appear on the first page of Google search results? That's the power of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Optimise the content on your website with some simple steps to boost your visibility in search engines:

  • Include relevant keywords
  • Improve its loading speed
  • Build quality backlinks
  • Have high-quality content
  • Be mobile-friendly
  • Link your social media platforms

These simple steps help search engines understand and love your website, so that your website can rank higher on search engine results pages. You want your website to be as attractive to your target audience as possible.

The longer your audience spends on your website, the better chance you have of getting them to do what you want. This will then help increase your conversion rate and help to bump up your website on search engines!

See results fast: Paid Advertising

Paid ads are a great way to target specific audiences that might be your dream customers, generate fast results and allow you to control your budget. You can enhance your brand awareness with the right people, and give yourself a competitive edge. 

Getting familiar with the features of Google Ads or Social ads like Meta Business Suite allows you to try A/B split testing to see what your audience really loves and gives you an opportunity to refine your strategy. Paid ads are one of the fastest ways you can boost revenue in a short period of time with the right creates, right targeting and effective landing pages.

Does Your Business Need Digital Marketing?

Does Your Business Need Digital Marketing

Now that we've covered the basics of digital marketing, how do you know if your business needs it? Here are some critical reasons why you should be looking at digital marketing as soon as possible:

Your Customers Are Online

Take a look around you. How many people do you see scrolling through social media platforms on their smartphones or glued to their laptops? Your customers are online, and that's where you need to be too. Whether they're searching for products, reading reviews, or engaging with brands on social media channels, your online presence ensures you don't miss out on valuable opportunities.

You Want to Reach a Larger Audience

Digital marketing opens the doors to a global marketplace. With the right strategies in place, you can reach a larger audience beyond your local area. It's like having a virtual megaphone to amplify your brand message and connect with potential customers from all corners of the world.

You Crave Data-Driven Insights

Digital marketing provides a trove of data and insights to fuel your decision-making. Through analytics tools, you can track website traffic, understand user behaviour, and measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Data-driven insights help you understand what's working, what needs improvement, and where to invest your resources for maximum impact, which helps to redefine your digital strategy.

You Seek Cost-Effective Marketing Solutions

Traditional marketing methods like print ads and TV commercials can be expensive, especially for small businesses. Digital marketing can be a cheaper alternative that still gives you amazing results and rewards. With careful planning and strategic execution, you can achieve great results without breaking the bank. From social media ads to email marketing campaigns, digital marketing gives you the flexibility to choose options that best suit your budget.

You Want to Build Strong Customer Relationships

Digital marketing allows you to build authentic relationships with your customers. Through social media engagement, personalised email campaigns, and interactive content, you can create a community around your brand. Show your customers some love, listen to their feedback, and provide exceptional customer service. It's all about nurturing long-term relationships and turning customers into brand advocates.

Convinced to start your Digital Marketing journey?

Convinced To Start Your Digital Marketing Journey

Digital marketing is an exciting journey filled with endless possibilities for your business. Remember, digital marketing is all about building a strong online presence, reaching your target audience, and fostering meaningful connections. Embrace the power of websites, social media, content marketing, and SEO to grow your business in the digital realm. So, what are you waiting for? Download our Digital Marketing Audit Checklist to see what your digital marketing strategy is missing.

Need a Hand?

Here at Dilate, we're a digital marketing agency focused on a holistic approach. This means that we’ll look at your business from the inside out, look at your customer journey funnel from top to bottom, and design the best way to achieve your business goals for the long-term. So if you need a hand, let’s talk.

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