The Dilate Blog
For an expanse of the population, wireless internet is not a luxury, it’s a right. We swarm free Wi-Fi like children on Santas’ knee, or zombies at the smell of flesh. And if your Wi-Fi is slow, or won’t connect, you can just about guarantee someone will pop a blood-vessel if their Facebook won’t load. […]
If you’re looking for your real world superhero -someone to look up to, minus the cape and stockings- look no further, because we can tell you now that nobody in the 21st century can even come close to Elon Musk- progressive thinker and debatably the most astounding and influential man of today. Haven’t heard of […]
Microsoft Has Swept Up LinkedIn - What You Need To Know and How Your Email Habits Could Be Affected?
With a sense of trepidation, the office here at Dilate Digital is curious about Microsoft’s recent acquisition of LinkedIn- its largest to date, at over $26 billion. This isn’t exactly a new tactic of Microsoft; they attempted to purchase Facebook in its formative years, with the hopes of catching up to Google in online advertising- […]
There are plenty of business owners and executives who are a step away from their marketing team, and can’t understand the costs that come with a powerful and well-structured campaign- especially in digital marketing. With the scope of research and tactical efforts now required, the tightening of purse strings can mean less visibility/ customers/ sales/ […]
Seeing as we are a team of website design and development specialists, it seems appropriate to give all of you aspiring web designers or start-up owners a crash course in web development. After all, once we were all young grasshoppers too. We sat back and thought about what any budding designer should be aware of- […]
Expanded text ads are descending on us- are you ready? Google has now bestowed on us the opportunity to include twice as much text (yes, you read that right), and so we’re all back to the drawing board to find ways to maximise our new text ad formats. Don’t get left behind on this one- […]
Keeping a keen eye on budgets and expenditures is critical to any digital agency. Over-spend and your clients will be annoyed; under-spend and it could affect the results, ROI, or your campaigns. If you’re using paid-advertising- think Adwords, Bing Advertising, social media advertising, remarketing- then you need to have the sharpest tools in the shed […]
As digital marketing changes and grows, it’s becoming harder to guarantee interaction from your online audience, and easier to fall between the cracks. With this in mind, how can you stop your email marketing from ending up in the trash? Nobody likes wasting time and effort, but if you’re not approaching your email marketing correctly, […]
The annual Facebook Developer Conference was held this year in San Francisco, and Mark Zuckerberg had the interest of the masses with the details of Facebook newest thrilling features and most exciting announcements. After reaffirming his commitment to the constant progression of the leviathan social media network, with a thorough emphasis on “developing a family […]
If you’re running a business with an online shopping facet, you’re going to find out pretty quickly how effective your web design is. For example, if your ads are getting a lot of clicks, but you’re yet to close the sales you projected, your website could be letting you down. You could be losing customers […]
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