How To Tell If Your Web Design Sucks

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

Whether you hired web designers or did it yourself, sometimes it’s hard to be completely objective about your own website. Many Perth businesses are missing out on traffic and revenue thanks to their web design, and experience a boost in engagement and conversions once they remedy a few minor problems. You may believe that your website is utterly stunning and runs without a hitch, but sometimes you need to step back and wonder if it’s coming across how you’d hoped - and don’t bother asking friends and family if they’re the type to say you look great in those jeans. There’re five ways to quickly evaluate your web design, so pull up a tab of your website and check for any of these.

Ambiguous Entry

Once you enter your site, how long does it take for you to identify the purpose of the company? If it’s not immediately, then this needs fixing. If users are visiting your website and have no clear outline of what you’re providing or offering, then they aren’t going to stick around to find out. They’re not there to work for your information; you’re there to convince them why they should engage with you.

Poorly Designed Splash Pages

With 25% of users leaving a website immediately after being confronted with a splash page, there’s a pretty clear indication that this is something you either want to get perfect or toss in the trash. Most of your traffic are browsers first, buyers later, so splash pages that come on too strong without any tact and ask for personal details are going to get quickly evacuated.

Surprise Music/ Videos

Some websites decided to create a whole experience around their website, with music automatically playing and animation or videos bursting into movement as though Andy’s just left the room on Toy Story. Not only can this be seriously annoying for the user, as your music is being played over theirs and jerking back to the start every time they click a new link, but the animation and videos are usually painful distractions. Did we mention that your website loading time will take even longer, so what’s left of your online audience has probably gone to your competitors by the time your site loads?


Internet browsing on mobile devices is neck-and-neck with desktop computers, so if your web design still needs users to scroll horizontally on a 1024 screen then you need to try again. Your web design should be compatible with screens of all shapes and sizes, from the portrait-orientation of the smallest smartphone to a landscape-orientated tablet, to a full-size computer.

Your True Colours

How many colours are there? How many of them complement one another? If you’ve used the entire rainbow in your design or a few of the most hideous, then you can always take a colour-blindness test (it might not be your fault) and do some research into colour tones and the emotions that each colour evokes. Armed with the above information, you are all prepared to check your web design for any major flaws - all of which can be easily repaired. For more advice from Perth’s leading web design services, contact Dilate Digital. We’re based here in WA for the sunny days and the friendly faces, so come in or give us a call to find out what we can do for you.

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