An Introduction to Youtube Marketing

Bodie Czeladka
By Bodie Czeladka

Youtube has really grown as a social networking platform in the past decade. Considered to be a top tier form of social media alongside giants like Twitter and Facebook, Youtube revolutionises ads with video marketing. With a wide reach of over 30 million visitors every day worldwide, it provides a great opportunity for your brand to engage its target audience successfully. Consumers browse Youtube on a daily basis, as it is accessible on their mobile phones, making it portable and convenient to access at any time, allowing for a much wider reach than good old fashioned TV which is rooted to one spot. Online video advertising is becoming more popular and would be a great addition to your digital marketing strategy. There are many successful video ads that have helped catapult brands to success. With Youtube marketing, you have the ability to target a specific audience to ensure the best penetration, allowing you to choose between demographic, topics of interest or even based on what videos people are actually watching.

Types of Ads

There are several types of ways that your ad can appear on Youtube. Being aware of the different types of Youtube ads will help inform your decision on which type will have the most impact and widest reach. Let’s have a look at the Youtube ads list that are currently in operation.


This type of ad plays right before a video for 5 seconds before the user is allowed to skip it so it’s important to make those 5 seconds count. This type of ad is arguably the best way to increase brand engagement.

In Video

This ad appears while the video is playing at the top of the user’s recommendation list. It is able to attract the user’s attention while also being non-intrusive.


While short at a meagre 6 seconds, these non-skippable ads can really pack a punch if done right. Their short length makes them ideal for mobile viewing.


This type of ad is placed on the Youtube homepage for 24 hours, ensuring the highest reach and awareness of your brand as everyone who visits the site for that day will be exposed to it.

If you’re currently considering creating a Youtube ad campaign for your brand, Dilate Digital has the tools to help you. At Dilate, we are specialists at video advertising and can assist you with navigating the world of Youtube marketing. We are well versed in creating ad campaigns and will assist you in areas such as choosing your target demographic, guide you through the creative process and make sure that you have an attracting and appealing ad to boost your business. Give us a call today at 1800 DILATE (that’s ) to speak to one of our Youtube ads consultants and get started with developing a killer video marketing campaign.

Dilate Digital provide killer video marketing services for your business and can help you develop creative and effective YouTube ads to target your audience. To speak with one of our YouTube ads consultants, give Dilate Digital a call today. Phone: 1800 DILATE ( That’s )

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