What is good copy (and what does it DO?)

What is good copy (and what does it DO?)

Beth Weiss
By Beth Weiss

Effective digital marketing hinges on quality content, and at the core of that content is good copywriting. But what exactly is good copywriting?

What Is Good Copy And What Does it DO

The heart of copywriting

Copywriting is really just about writing with a clear purpose. Writing is more than just putting words in a row; it is a tool used to connect with and persuade your audience. Unlike creative writing, which is more fluid, exploring stories and ideas, marketing copywriting is focused and goal-oriented. Whether it's boosting brand awareness, educating customers, or increasing sales, effective marketing copywriting is all about achieving specific business objectives.

The real magic of copywriting lies in its ability to persuade. It’s what convinces someone to buy a product, sign up for a newsletter, or learn more about a service. 

What makes up good copy?

There are a few key facets of what makes good copy that resonates.

Knowing your purpose

Every piece of copy should have a clear, well-defined goal. What do you want to achieve? Are you aiming to persuade someone to buy a product, inform them about a complex topic, or simply entertain them with a captivating story? 

Understanding your purpose is like setting a compass for your writing; it keeps you on track and prevents your words from wandering aimlessly. For instance, a homepage for a website should not only introduce your business but also entice visitors to explore further by highlighting unique selling points or offering a compelling call to action.

Understanding your audience

Understanding Your Audience

To write well, you need to know your audience well. Who are you writing for? What are their needs, desires, and pain points? 

By truly understanding your audience, you can tailor your message to resonate on a personal level. This involves more than just demographics; it's about stepping into their shoes and understanding their world. The more you know about your audience, the better equipped you'll be to craft copy that connects and persuades them

Planning it out

Writing great copy takes careful planning. It's like building a house; you need a solid blueprint before laying the first brick. Create a plan, organise your writing well through structured headings and sections, and find relevant keywords to optimise your content for search engines. Remember, while keywords are important, they should never overshadow the quality and relevance of your content. Create good content first, and search engines will notice.

Keeping it simple

Simplicity is often overlooked in the pursuit of sounding intelligent. Avoid complex sentence structures and industry jargon that can alienate your readers. Use clear, concise language that is easy to understand. Imagine explaining your ideas to a child; if you can break it down for them, you can make it accessible to everyone. The aim is to convey your message clearly, not to show off your vocabulary.

Being relevant (and keeping it engaging)

No one enjoys reading something which is difficult and doesn't keep them engaged.. Your copy should be more than just words on a page; it should be an experience. Keep your readers interested by asking questions, sharing different viewpoints, or giving helpful insights. Remember, people are bombarded with information every day, so make sure your content stands out and offers something truly valuable.

Telling them what to do (CTA)

Telling Them What To Do CTA

Don't leave your readers hanging. A clear call to action is important for directing your audience towards what you want them to do. Whether you want them to make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, or contact you for more information, tell them exactly what to do next. A strong CTA makes your reader act quickly and feel a sense of urgency.

Optimising for search engines

In today's digital landscape, search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial for reaching your target audience. Use relevant keywords in your content naturally, while also focusing on creating high-quality material. 

When selecting keywords for your content, make sure they align with your target audience's search intent and the content's placement on your site. Informational keywords work best for long-form content like blog articles, while commercial keywords are ideal for service or product pages, as they indicate a potential customer is closer to making an inquiry. Try not to keyword stuff, and rather weave in keywords naturally. 

Optimise your title tags, meta descriptions, and overall website structure to improve your search engine rankings. Remember, SEO is not about tricking search engines; it's about providing value to your audience and making it easy for them to find you.

Making it yours

Your writing should sound like you. Every business has a personality, and your words should reflect that. Are you casual, serious, or somewhere in between? Be consistent and let your brand’s voice shine through.

The impact good copywriting has

Good copywriting does more than bring people to a website. It builds trust, establishes authority, and drives conversions. Well-written copy can turn casual visitors into loyal customers by clearly communicating the value of a product or service.

Building trust and credibility

When you write copy that’s helpful, informative, and honest, people start to trust you. It’s like making a new friend – you want to be someone people can rely on. By showing that you know your stuff and genuinely care about your customers, you’ll build a strong foundation for your business.

Think of it this way: If you’re looking for advice on hiking, would you trust someone who sounds like an expert, or someone who seems lost? People want to work with people they respect, and good copywriting helps you earn that respect.

Driving conversions and growing your business

Driving Conversions And Growing Your Business

The bottom line is that businesses need customers. Good copywriting is like a skilled salesperson who can convince people to buy your product or service. It’s about understanding what people want and need, and then telling them a story about how your product or service can help them, or address a need they have.

Creating an amazing customer experience

People love to do business with companies they like. Good copywriting helps you create a warm and inviting online presence. It’s about making your website easy to navigate, and writing in a way that’s clear, friendly, and engaging.

When people can easily find what they’re looking for and enjoy reading your content, they’re more likely to stick around. 

By creating a positive experience, you’ll encourage people to come back again and again, and they might even tell their friends about you, creating that positive loop that ultimately grows your business

Copywriting and the role it plays in digital marketing strategy

Here is where copywriting fits into your digital marketing strategy;

Make a great first impression with your website content

Your website is often the first place people look when they hear about your business. Good copywriting can draw people in and make them want to learn more. From the moment they land on your homepage to clicking that ‘buy now’ button, its your copy that guides them every step of the way.

Get personal with email marketing

Get Personal With Email Marketing

Emails are like personal letters to your customers. Good copywriting makes those letters interesting and persuasive. Whether you’re offering a special deal or just checking in, your words can make the difference between someone opening your email or hitting delete.

Give the people what they want with social media

Social media is where you get to get more personal with your customers. Your posts need to be catchy and fun, like a great conversation. Good socials copy helps you connect with people, build relationships, and keep them coming back for more. Copywriting for social media needs to be short and sweet, catchy, and tailored to your audience. It’s about creating shareable content that resonates with followers and encourages interaction.

Demand attention with ads

Ads are like billboards for your business. You’ve got seconds to grab someone’s attention and convince them to care. Strong copywriting is like a powerful headline that makes people stop and look. Good ad copy is rarely overly convoluted or abstract, rather clever, witty and memorable.

Position yourselves as the experts with informational content

As a business owner, you have unique insights into your business and industry. Leverage that by creating informational blogs, eBooks, and helpful PDF downloads that address your audience's pain points and common questions. By providing valuable content that speaks directly to their needs and concerns, you build trust, establish authority, and guide them toward solutions only your business can provide.

Help people find you with SEO and SEM

Help People Find You With SEO and SEM

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) rely on strategic copywriting. People use search engines to find what they need. Good copywriting helps search engines understand what your website is about, so more people can find you. 

SEO copywriting is content optimised for search engines, ensuring your business ranks higher in search results. Every business should have a unique SEO strategy tailored to its target audience, focusing on relevant keywords and content that resonates with potential customers while driving organic traffic.

Copywriting is everywhere you look

Copywriting Is Everywhere You Look

You might not realise it, but copywriting is all around us, influencing our choices. Here is where you will find it:

  1. Product descriptions: Ever felt convinced to buy a product purely from reading the description? That's the power of some clever copywriting at work. It engages, persuades, and drives action, turning potential customers into actual buyers.
  2. Menu descriptions: Hungry? You’re about to be even hungrier. Menu descriptions are prime examples of persuasive copywriting, enticing you to imagine the flavours and textures, making it hard to resist ordering. 
  3. Public service announcements: Those ads that make you feel guilty about not recycling? Yep, that’s copywriting at work. I
  4. Packaging and labels: The words on your shampoo bottle or cereal box? That’s copywriting too! It tells you what to expect, how to use it, and why you can’t live without it.
  5. Customer reviews and testimonials: Those glowing reviews that make you trust a product? They’re written by real people, but the way they’re presented is often thanks to a copywriter’s touch.
  6. User interfaces: Ever been confused by an app? Don’t blame the app, blame the bad copywriting. Good copywriting in apps helps make the user experience a breeze.
  7. In-store signage: Those tempting signs that make you buy more stuff? You guessed it, copywriting! 

Copywriting is more than just words

Copywriting Is More Than Just Words

Great copywriting is the backbone of successful marketing. It’s about knowing your audience, delivering clear, compelling messages, and driving results. Whether you’re selling, branding, or informing, strong copy is the catalyst for action, connecting with people and inspiring them to respond.

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